MATS: Oval and Rectangle Options
MATS: Oval and Rectangle Options
Silhouettes By Hand has mats cut especially for its silhouette portraits. This is for the mat only - the frame in the picture is for example only.
Oval-Opening Mats:
Oval-opening mats like these are rare - these oval openings are cut especially for Silhouettes By Hand’s silhouettes, to showcase the beauty and classic simplicity while maintaining an upscale look.
About these Mats:
Custom-cut mats are $10 and higher in stores, and you only receive the cut mat. Even mass-produced mats are $8.00 but only receive a front cut mat and a commercially branded wrapper. These mats are less expensive - and you also receive a backing-board and a protective bag for storing or gifting.
Perfect for Gifts:
It’s hard to buy frames for other people. Giving a matted silhouette might be a good solution; these mats are perfect for gifting silhouettes even if you do not know what type of frame to offer. Your recipient choses his or her own 8x10 frame to fit his/her decor.
Black Oval-Opening mats:
Black oval-opening mats simulate the old painted circles in old frames in the 18th and 18th centuries. The black hue perfectly offsets the black silhouette.
White and Cream-Colored Oval-Opening mats:
The White and Cream-Colored Oval Opening mats are a classic way to show off your silhouettes. People often mix and match the colors to offset different looks: cream-colored background with cream-colored mat, or even white mat with cream-colored background. The Cream mats can be considered “off-white” or “cream-colored”, depending on the light; these have an old look to them, as if they are old and found in an attic.
White Rectangle mat:
You can find rectangle mats in many stores, in many colors. Silhouettes By Hand only carries a rectangle white mat, perfect to set off a full-length silhouette or a half-length silhouette. Your mat comes with both a front and a back, perfect for gift-giving.
The Full-Length Silhouettes are available as an option. Note that all full-length silhouettes look like folk art. Printed Backgrounds are available as an option for full-length silhouettes.
All Silhouettes By Hand mats fit into any frame size 8x10.
Shipping and silhouettes are extra cost.
This mat is very thick and sturdy. You will receive a front side, a back side, and a glassine bag.
The mat is perfect for presentation when giving as a gift, or for giving a historic-style feel to your framed silhouette.